"Why Did the Roman Empire Stop Expanding?"
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gggg gggg
2023-06-19 15:27:27 UTC
(2023 Youtube upload)
Thomas Coleman Younger
2023-07-10 12:59:29 UTC
And so the LORD God himself came to the Earth, showed us where Daniyal and Zu al-Kifl
buried his Tabernacle Mishkan, showed us where Yahya and Isa capped it with his
Revelation Stone, and then YHWH Allah himself went back to the Heaven.


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Creator Devil Satan 07/09/23(Sun)06:06:41 No.15308625▶>>15308936
And so the LORD God himself came to the Earth, showed us where Daniyal and Zu al-Kifl
buried his Tabernacle Mishkan, showed us where Yahya and Isa capped it with his
Revelation Stone, and then YHWH Allah himself went back to the Heaven.
15304928 →

Creator Devil Satan
Anonymous 07/09/23(Sun)08:17:07 No.15308936▶
File: The Day & The Hour.jpg (147 KB, 1020x1224)
147 KB
15308625 (OP)
The Day & The Hour
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And so the LORD God himself came to the Earth, showed us where Daniyal and Zu al-Kifl
buried his Tabernacle Mishkan, showed us where Yahya and Isa capped it with his
Revelation Stone, and then YHWH Allah himself went back to the Heaven.

